Financial Statement Services that Position Your Business for Success


Let Kirsch CPA Group improve the quality, value, and reliability of your financial statements, for the confidence, transparency, and insights that enable growth, profitability, and overall business improvement. We provide assurance services at every level, including audit, review, and compilations, as well as agreed-upon procedures.

To be successful, a business needs audit and assurance services that go beyond audit procedures and simple risk assessment. You need a deeper analysis by experienced CPAs and business advisors to hone in on strategic opportunities for greater profitability and enhanced business operations.

Our assurance services go further than most, with a thorough investigation of procedures and systems, including inventory, finances, and personnel conducted by a team of CPAs reporting to your senior leadership.

Our findings become the basis for recommendations on how you can drive greater efficiency and profitability across the organization, while ensuring the short and long-term health of your business and your financial position.

Prove Your Financial Credibility

Your company’s financial statements are the signposts by which your financial planning, practices, and health will be judged, by everyone from bankers, potential investors, and bonding companies to the customers and vendors you rely on. Our work ensures that you never have to second guess the credibility of the information you present, or the quality of the presentation itself. Both matter: access to capital and business opportunities is built on the foundation that reliable and high-quality financial documentation creates.

Let us help you demonstrate the strength of your business – and the diligence of your business practices – with financial reporting services that establish the quality, credibility, and reliability of your business.

Financial statement preparation





Customized, Detail-Driven Audits

Our process begins with a detailed and collaborative approach. We work with you to build a deep and holistic understanding of your business, including risks and goals, for a customized audit process.

The result is an audit that provides insights far more relevant and strategic than a cookie-cutter process can provide.

Financial Statements

For investors and third-party stakeholders, Kirsch CPA Group can provide:

  • Compiled Financials: prepared in the right format but without formal assurance of accuracy
  • Reviewed Financials: prepared with limited assurance of accuracy and conformance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP)
  • Audited Financials: prepared along with gaining and understanding of internal controls, and attestation to conformance with GAAP and accuracy by reviewing source documents and confirming financial information with your bank and other relevant third-parties

Monthly Financial Statements for Business Owners

The preparation of reliable financial statements is a non-negotiable requirement of any business owner. Your financial statements – including your balance sheet, profit & loss report, and cash flow statement, among others – are the window you need to monitor, maintain, and assess the financial health of your business.

These completed documents can be used internally to help you make the right decisions for meeting your business goals.

We can provide the following financial statements whenever needed:

  • Balance sheet
  • Income/profit and loss (P&L) statement
  • Statement of cash flows
  • Statement of changes in owner equity

These statements provide a deeper understanding of key financial metrics, including:

  • Cash
  • Receivables
  • Inventory
  • Investments
  • Fixed assets
  • Intangible assets
  • Notes payable and accrued expenses
  • Long-term liabilities
  • Contingencies and commitments
  • Revenue and expenses
  • Net company equity

Thinking of Selling?

If you’re planning to sell your business within the next 3-5 years, we recommend having your financials audited, or at least reviewed, every year.

Doing so will give prospective buyers a better picture of your financial health, potentially garnering a higher selling price for you.

Non-Profit Services

Every business has its own unique requirements for financial and tax compliance and strategy, but nonprofit organizations have a heavier lift when it comes to providing their donors, regulators, and other stakeholders with a clear picture of financial operations.

Few financial documents are as rigorously scrutinized as the statements of a nonprofit organization. Mistakes here can seriously undermine your credibility with supporters as well as threaten your tax-exempt status.

At Kirsch CPA Group, we have decades of experience managing the accounting, tax, and bookkeeping services that nonprofits need to ensure their financial health, continuity, and return on mission.

As experts in nonprofit financial requirements, reporting, and strategy, we can work with your team to ensure that you have the necessary day-to-day diligence that lets you build and maintain credibility, efficiency, and safeguards against human error.

  • Audit, review, or compile your financial statements
  • Design, install, and maintain your accounting software
  • Prepare weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly payroll
  • Provide training for your accounting personnel
  • Provide training for your board on nonprofit financial statement usage and effective budgeting practices
  • Prepare and file all versions of IRS Form 990

Get Started Today

Kirsch CPA Group has deep experience preparing financials for businesses and nonprofits to help strengthen relationships with your bank, your board, other third-parties, and facilitate your access to capital.

Contact us here or fill out the form to explore our assurance services and we can provide you with a Profitability Analysis that includes a review of your company’s performance and its comparison with your industry peers.

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