Is a Roth IRA Still Beneficial under the New Tax Law?

The Roth IRA remains an attractive retirement planning vehicle for many individuals after the changes made by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). Here's what you need to know about a Roth IRA and Roth Read More

Kirsch CPA Group

Mar 26, 2018

What Image Does Your Organization Present to Large Contributors?

Attracting funding organizations and large individual contributors to donate money to your not-for-profit organization is a little like finding a spouse — you want to create the best impression during the courtship in the hope Read More

Kirsch CPA Group

Mar 15, 2018

Promote From Within Successfully: A Management Cookbook

Promoting non-supervisory employees to management roles can be a morale-booster for the promoted employee, and for others. Seeing a fellow employee move up the ladder gives coworkers reason to expect that, someday, they could rise Read More

Kirsch CPA Group

Apr 13, 2017

Use Incentive Compensation Plans to Maximize Productivity

Bonuses: They're not just for senior executives anymore. Many companies now offer performance-based incentives to rank-and-file personnel, too. Well designed employee compensation plans can have a big impact on motivation for employees to be more Read More

Kirsch CPA Group

Mar 21, 2017

Recruit and Retain Good Employees with Benefit Programs

It's a lot more efficient to retain good employees than to find and hire new ones. The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) recently asked its members how they are adapting their employee benefit programs Read More

Kirsch CPA Group

Feb 17, 2017

Employee, Partner or Both? Recent Developments Help You Decide

Are you an employee, a partner, a partner who doesn't know it — or a combination of these classifications? The answer can have serious tax implications. If you participate in a business that's operated as Read More

Kirsch CPA Group

Jan 19, 2017

The PIP: A Powerful Tool to Improve Employee Performance

Replacing nonperforming employees is costly and traumatic, both for employers and employees. But allowing a bad situation to fester is worse; it can cause the problem to spread by undermining morale or by creating the Read More

Kirsch CPA Group

Sep 29, 2016

Tackle Key Financial Issues as You Face Retirement

The Baby Boomer generation reached its peak in 1957 at an annual birth rate of about 4.3 million people. It's hard to believe that these Baby Boomers will turn 59 years old in 2016. An Read More

Kirsch CPA Group

Mar 24, 2016

When It’s Time to Update Your QuickBooks

Clients often ask us "Do I really need to upgrade my QuickBooks®software?" The answer is YES, but many clients still will respond with "I'll make sure that I do that." Others will respond with "No.  I can't afford Read More

Kirsch CPA Group

Mar 11, 2020

IRS Reveals List of Top Tax Scams for 2016

The IRS kicked off tax filing season by publishing a series of press releases that highlight the "dirty dozen" tax scams for this year. Although there are no major surprises, it's important to note that Read More

Kirsch CPA Group

Apr 01, 2016