Strengthen the Weak Links in Your Cybersecurity Plan

Cybercriminals never seem to give up, and for good reason: Their chances of success make it worthwhile. A recent poll entitled "IT Threats and Data Breaches" found that 94% of companies reported experiencing some form Read More

Pete Abner

Apr 11, 2016

Non-Compete Agreements: Finding the Right Balance

Non-compete agreements have long been a staple of executive employment contracts. Today, however, they're becoming increasingly common even in lower-level jobs. According to the Wall Street Journal, a steady rise in litigation over non-competes "largely Read More

Sue Schloemer

Jul 18, 2016

Get Ready for Due Diligence Long Before You Want to Sell

It may seem odd, but as soon as you start up a business, you should begin the documentation needed to sell or merge with another enterprise. It may be years down the road but the Read More

John Kirsch

Sep 29, 2016

Tackle Key Financial Issues as You Face Retirement

The Baby Boomer generation reached its peak in 1957 at an annual birth rate of about 4.3 million people. It's hard to believe that these Baby Boomers will turn 59 years old in 2016. An Read More

Kirsch CPA Group

Mar 24, 2016

When It’s Time to Update Your QuickBooks

Clients often ask us "Do I really need to upgrade my QuickBooks®software?" The answer is YES, but many clients still will respond with "I'll make sure that I do that." Others will respond with "No.  I can't afford Read More

Kirsch CPA Group

Mar 11, 2020

Estimated Taxes Due April 15th – Pay as You Go or Pay the Price

Monday, April 15 is the deadline for the first quarterly 2013 estimated tax payment for calendar year taxpayers. If you make estimated tax payments, be aware that there have been a number of changes made Read More

Diane Glover

Mar 19, 2013

Perspectives Newsletter – Keeping Good tax Records

Keeping Good Tax Records: A Case Study of What NOT to Do The importance of keeping thorough and accurate records can't be emphasized enough. If you have incomplete or no records and get audited by Read More

Diane Glover

Mar 29, 2013

Will the Healthcare Law Increase Your Costs?

Under the sweeping Affordable Care Act (ACA), which passed in 2010 and was upheld by the Supreme Court last year, the healthcare system in the United States will be overhauled and millions of uninsured Americans Read More

Diane Glover

Apr 10, 2013

Reduce Your Electric Bill

Business owners are always looking for a way to minimize operating costs without compromising work production. Among the unavoidable expenses all businesses incur is the cost of electricity. Did you know that lighting alone can Read More

Diane Glover

Jun 26, 2013

Understanding How the New Medicare Tax Affects Individuals

The 2010 healthcare legislation created a new 3.8 percent Medicare tax on net investment income collected by individuals, estates, and trusts. The new tax, which the IRS calls the NIIT, is effective for tax years Read More

Diane Glover

Aug 07, 2013