Avoiding the Profitability Threat of Stagnant Pricing

There are many threats to business profitability and long-term success. Some of them hide behind numbers that look favorable on the surface. Others are easier to spot but difficult to implement. A third category of Read More

Nick Roell

Nov 10, 2021

Are Your Revenues Creating a False Sense of Profitability?

Unlike revenues, profitability can be a tricky metric for business owners. Growing your profitability is generally – and ideally – a long-term goal but unprofitability has a way of hiding in short-term numbers. If you’re Read More

Nick Roell

Nov 09, 2021

Overcoming Hidden Threats to Business Profitability

As any owner can tell you, running a business is almost always harder than you think it’s going to be. It’s not just the difference between having a business plan and operating a business under Read More

Nick Roell

Sep 17, 2021

Don’t Run Afoul of Private Inurement Rules

Most not-for-profit executives are aware of the prohibition against private inurement. Generally, nonprofit directors and executives — and their family members — aren't allowed to personally benefit from their positions while putting their organization at Read More

Kirsch CPA Group

Aug 04, 2021

Mid-Year Financial Business Planning for Opportunities

It’s halfway through the year, how is your business doing? Even if you are challenged with supply chain woes, hiring challenges, and tough financial decisions, there’s still time to ensure that you have a great Read More

Pete Abner

Jul 30, 2021

What Your Numbers Are Saying: Are You Listening?
Part 2: How Attractive Is Your Balance Sheet?

Most business owners take time each month to review the balance sheet. But are you using your balance sheet to make decisions for your business? What truly makes for a strong balance sheet? (hint: it’s Read More

Kirsch CPA Group

Jul 19, 2021

Preventing Theft of Your Business’s Trade Secrets

With millions of U.S. employees still working from home, companies' intellectual property (IP) is at greater-than-usual risk of theft, loss or compromise. IP includes trademarks, copyrights, patents and, the most common IP asset, trade secrets. Read More

Kirsch CPA Group

Jun 24, 2021

What Your Numbers Are Saying: Are You Listening?
Part 1: Do You Know Your Profitability?

When evaluating the financial health of your business, it’s important to look at a variety of indicators – but how can you be sure you have the right numbers? Are you as profitable as you Read More

Kirsch CPA Group

Jun 09, 2021

Labor Shortage: Unlock Solutions by Evaluating Your Employment Value Proposition

In normal market conditions, people who've been unemployed due to an economic slump are generally eager to take a job when the economy perks up. But times are far from normal in many places and Read More

Kirsch CPA Group

Jun 09, 2021

5 Steps to Finding the Sweet Spot for Business Success

Business owners almost always have a clear idea of what success will look like but converting a vision into reality and achieving a set of goals is a lot harder than establishing them. When goals Read More

John Kirsch

May 28, 2021