Are Your Former Employees Eligible for COBRA?

If you've had to lay off employees as far back as Nov. 1, 2019, a tiny portion of the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) might go to them. That's the good news for Read More

Kirsch CPA Group

Apr 28, 2021

Accounting Myth Busting: Switching Your Accountant Is Costly

Change is hard, even when you know it’s the right thing to do. That is just as true in business as in every other human endeavor. And so, we put it off. We find ways Read More

Kirsch CPA Group

Apr 09, 2021

Do You Need More from Your Accounting Firm?

Is your accountant unintentionally holding back your business and costing you money and opportunity? The lifecycle of a business has many inflection points. The accountant you used when your biggest concern was filing a tax Read More

Kirsch CPA Group

Jun 13, 2022