Five Things Your Bookkeeper Wants You to Know

Nick Roell

Jun 12, 2024

Financial documents

A good bookkeeper is a tremendous asset in a small or mid-sized business, ensuring an accurate and organized record of the critical financial details and processes that keep an enterprise going day-to-day.

But as your business and your accounting needs begin to grow, a bookkeeper’s job can start to feel unmanageable. To get what you need from your numbers at this stage requires a more strategic approach, and a real-time picture of your financial health, aligned with short and long-term financial goals. Your bookkeeper needs support.

Holistic Accounting Support for Business Growth

What should that support look like? Ask your bookkeeper. Here are five things you’re likely to hear:

1. I need help with how to code transactions and do different tasks within the software.

2. I don’t know how to setup new payroll withholding tax accounts for new states and localities.

3. I don’t have enough time to manage the day-to-day accounting needs of the company.

4. I don’t know what to do when we receive tax notices.

5. I could do a better job with an accounting partner to use as an ongoing resource.

Kirsch + Your Bookkeeper: A Partnership for Building a Better Business

A good in-house accounting person/bookkeeper is a solid foundation for making the move to next-level accounting processes.

At Kirsch CPA Group, many of our most successful engagements are built in partnership with the services of a seasoned internal bookkeeper who makes sure that financial data and transactions are collected and recorded accurately and on time. That’s the start for a real-time picture of your financial health.

Read our case study to learn how partnership with Kirsch CPA Group works to drive growth and success over the entire lifecycle of a business.

As your business grows, you need strong monthly financials that carefully align revenue and expenses over time and across business units, locations, clients, and product lines. In short, you need numbers that allow you to break down and analyze growth and profitability in multiple ways. Otherwise, growth strategies can fall victim to profitability traps that hide the true financial picture.

Let the Kirsch team help you craft growth strategies built on real-time financial accuracy and solid financial advice with services that include:

Contact us to learn how we can supercharge your decision-making so that you have a clear path to meeting your financial goals. Your bookkeeper will thank you!

Learn more about holistic accounting support for your business

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About The Author

Nick is passionate about making an impact on small and medium-sized businesses. Focusing on increasing the performance of…

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