Search Your Company For Extra Cash

Kirsch CPA Group

Mar 31, 2021


Does the supervisor of your call center understand how that department makes money for the company? Does your administrative staff know how to increase the company’s bottom line?

It’s easy for employees to begin to view their jobs narrowly and forget that they may be able to contribute to the economic health of the business.

Ask your staff, including managers and supervisors, to compile a checklist of ways that each department can meet — and exceed — the company’s profit projections. If they know what to look for, your employees will come up with dozens of suggestions. After all, they are in the best position to recognize waste and suggest ways to economize or make better use of resources.

Here’s a Handful of Ideas:

  • Devise a way to estimate the turnaround time for each project or assignment — for example, collecting receivables — and set reasonable deadlines.
  • Don’t base your credit terms solely on your customers’ payment histories. Consider adopting a broader policy that enables you to tighten, or relax, your credit terms according to the company’s cash flow needs.
  • Generate and send invoices while orders are being prepared for shipment, not after. Faster invoicing usually means faster payment.
  • Make sure invoices are accurate and easy to read. Mistakes will not only delay payment but may send customers to your competitors.
  • Develop tools to measure, analyze and project the productivity of both labor and equipment.
  • Don’t assign projects to employees who are overqualified for the tasks. Get the job done for the lowest possible payroll cost.
  • Make sure every customer is aware of all the products and services your company provides. Is it possible that customers are shopping elsewhere because they aren’t aware that you carry what they need?

Once your employees understand how they can contribute to the bottom line, higher profits will be close behind. While the country is in the grip of COVID-19, this may be more important than ever.


We can help you tackle business challenges like these – schedule an appointment today.


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About The Author

Kirsch CPA Group is a full service CPA and business advisory firm helping businesses and organizations with accounting,…

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